Reference Source


 Squidwarc  Copyright (C) 2017-present  John Berlin <>

 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 (at your option) any later version.

 Squidwarc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU General Public License for more details.

 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 along with this Squidwarc.  If not, see <>

'use strict'
const path = require('path')
const { inspect } = require('util')
const fs = require('fs-extra')
const untildify = require('untildify')
const { defaultOpts } = require('../defaults')
const cp = require('../utils/colorPrinters')
const FH = require('../frontier/helper')

 * @desc Informs the user that they did not export the correct type of user script
 * @param {any} exposed
function badExport (exposed) {
  console.log(cp.chalk`{ Squidwarc does not know how to handled the supplied script:
You supplied a ${typeof exposed}:
    ${inspect(exposed, { depth: null })}}
  console.log('Please export a function similar to:'))
  console.log('module.exports = async function (page) {....}'))

 * @desc Informs the user that they did not export an async function
 * @param {any} notAsyncFn
function notAsync (notAsyncFn) {
  console.log(cp.chalk`{ Squidwarc expects the function exported by user scripts to be async functions
You supplied:
  console.log('Please export a function similar to:'))
  console.log('module.exports = async function (page) {....}'))

 * @desc Informs the user that the user script is good
function usrFNGood () {
  console.log(cp.chalk`{ With great power comes great responsibility!}
{ Squidwarc is not responsible for ill behaved user supplied scripts!}

 * @desc Crawl config loader
class Config {
   * @desc Loads the config file and performs the preliminary normalization
   * @param {string} configPath - Path to this crawls config file
   * @returns {Promise<CrawlConfig>}
  static async loadConfig (configPath) {
    let {
      use = 'chrome',
      headless = true,
      mode = 'page-only',
      depth = 1,
      connect = defaultOpts.connect,
      crawlControl = defaultOpts.crawlControl,
      warc = defaultOpts.warc,
    } = await fs.readJSON(configPath) = ||
    connect.port = connect.port || defaultOpts.connect.port
    connect.launch = connect.launch || defaultOpts.connect.launch
    warc.naming = warc.naming || defaultOpts.warc.naming
    warc.output = warc.output || defaultOpts.warc.output
    warc.append = warc.append || defaultOpts.warc.append
    const versionInfo = {}
    versionInfo.isPartOf = warc.isPartOf || defaultOpts.versionInfo.isPartOfV
    versionInfo.warcInfoDescription =
      warc.infoDescription || defaultOpts.versionInfo.warcInfoDescription
    script = await Config.ensureScript(script)
    if (script != null && use === 'chrome') {
      use = 'puppeteer'
    seeds = await Config.ensureSeeds(seeds, mode, depth)
    return {
      chrome: {
        local: false,

   * @desc Load the user supplied script (if it exists) and perform validation of it
   * @param {?string} scriptP - The path to the user script
   * @returns {Promise<UserScript | null>}
  static async ensureScript (scriptP) {
    if (scriptP == null) {
      return null
    if (typeof scriptP !== 'string') {
        `The value for the script field found in the supplied config is not a "string" it is a ${typeof scriptP}`
        'To have Squidwarc use a script during crawling please use a string that is a path to the script'
      return null
    const scriptPath = path.resolve(untildify(scriptP))
    if (!await fs.pathExists(scriptPath)) {
        `The supplied script path does not exist ${scriptP} [resolved path = ${scriptPath}]`
      return null

    let good = true
    let userFN

    try {
      userFN = require(scriptPath)
    } catch (e) {
      cp.error('Squidwarc is unable to use the supplied user script due to an error!', e)
      good = false

    if (good && typeof userFN !== 'function') {
      good = false

    if (good && userFN[Symbol.toStringTag] !== 'AsyncFunction') {
      good = false

    if (good) {

    return userFN

   * @desc Normalizes the supplied seeds. If it value of the seeds field is a string loads the seeds from the file
   * @param {string | string[]} seeds - The seeds to be normalized
   * @param {string} mode             - The crawl mode for the seeds
   * @param {number} depth            - The depth of the crawl
   * @return {Promise<Seed | Seed[]>}
  static async ensureSeeds (seeds, mode, depth) {
    if (!Array.isArray(seeds)) {
      if (typeof seeds !== 'string') {
        throw new Error(
          `The value of the seeds field was not an Array\nExpecting a sting that is path to a seeds file.\nSquidwarc found "${typeof seeds}"`
      seeds = untildify(seeds)
      const seedPathExists = await fs.pathExists(seeds)
      if (!seedPathExists) {
        throw new Error(
          `The path to the seed list file contained in the seeds field does not exist`
      seeds = await fs.readJSON(seeds)
      if (!Array.isArray(seeds)) {
        throw new Error(
          `The contents of the seeds file is not an array. Squidwarc found "${typeof seeds}"`
    return FH.normalizeSeeds(seeds, mode, depth)

 * @type {Config}
module.exports = Config

 * @typedef {Object} WARCOptions
 * @property {string} [naming = url] - The naming scheme to be used for WARC generation
 * @property {string} [output = <current working directory>] - Path to the directory the WARCs are to be created in
 * @property {boolean} [append = false] - Should Squidwarc create a single WARC file for the crawl or no

 * @typedef {Object} CrawlControl
 * @property {number} [globalWait = 60000]  - Maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, that Squidwarc should wait before generating a WARC and moving to the next URL
 * @property {number} [numInflight = 2]     - The number of inflight requests (requests with no response) that should exist before starting the inflightIdle timer
 * @property {number} [inflightIdle = 1000] - Amount of time, in milliseconds, that should elapse when there are only numInflight requests for network idle to be determined
 * @property {number} [navWait = 8000]      - Maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, that Squidwarc should wait for indication that the browser has navigated to the page being crawled

 * @typedef {Object} VersionInfo
 * @property {string} [isPartOfV = Squidwarc Crawl] - The value for the isPartOf field of the WARC Info Record
 * @property {string} [warcInfoDescription = High fidelity preservation using Squidwarc] - The value for the description field of the WARC Info Record

 * @typedef {function(page: Page): Promise<void>} UserScript - A user supplied function that Squidwarc will execute once network idle has been reached

 * @typedef {Object} ChromeOptions
 * @property {string}  [use = chrome]     - Should Squidwarc connect directly to Chrome/Chromium or via puppeteer
 * @property {string}  [executable]   - Path to the browser executable or command to be use to launch the browser
 * @property {string}  [userDataDir]      - Path to a user data directory (generated by Chrome/Chromium) to be used rather than a temporary one
 * @property {string}  [host = localhost] - The host name the browsers CDP endpoint is listing on
 * @property {number}  [port = 9222]      - The port number the browsers CDP endpoint is listing on
 * @property {boolean} [launch = true]    - Should Squidwarc launch and manage the browser or connect to an already running instance
 * @property {boolean} [headless = true]  - Should the browser used by Squidwarc be launched in headless mode
 * @property {boolean} [local = false]    - Should the CDP descriptor used by the chrome-remote-interface use the local CDP descriptor or fetch it from the browser connecting to

 * @typedef {Object} CrawlConfig
 * @property {ChromeOptions}  chrome      - Information about how to connect to or launch Chrome/Chromium
 * @property {string}  [mode = page-only] - The mode this crawl is to be operating in
 * @property {number}  [depth = 1]        - The depth of this crawl
 * @property {CrawlControl} crawlControl  - Options for fine tuning the crawl
 * @property {WARCOptions} warc           - Options for how this crawls WARCs should be created
 * @property {VersionInfo} versionInfo    - Information to be included in the WARC Info record fields per page preserved
 * @property {Seed | Seed[]} seeds        - The seed(s) to be crawled
 * @property {UserScript} [script]        - A script to be run when using puppeteer. If the value of this correct, use defaults to puppeteer