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 * @desc Electron debugger errors passed to the callback are plain objects not Errors
 * but contain information concerning the error.
class ElectronGetResError extends Error {
   * @param {Object} oError - the error supplied to the callback
   * @param {string} rid - the request id of the request retrieval of the response body failed for
  constructor (oError, rid) {
      oError.message ||
        `An Error Occurred retrieving the response body for ${rid}`

     * @desc the original error object supplied to the callback
     * @type {Object}
    this.oError = oError
     * @desc the request id of the request retrieval of the response body failed for
     * @type {string}
    this.rid = rid

 * @type {ElectronGetResError}
module.exports = ElectronGetResError