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'use strict'
const { SPACE } = require('../utils/constants')
const WFI = require('./fieldIdentifiers')

 * @type {Buffer}
const WARCVSlash = Buffer.from('/')

 * @type {Buffer}
const ColonSpace = Buffer.from(': ')

 * @type {Buffer}
const CRLF = WFI.crlf

 * @desc Utility class for parsing parts of WARC records
class ContentParser {
   * @desc Slices the supplied buffer returning a UTF-8 string
   * @param {Buffer} buf   - The buffer to slice
   * @param {number} start - The start position of the slice
   * @param {number} end   - The end position of the slice
   * @return {string}
  static utf8BufferSlice (buf, start, end) {
    return buf.slice(start, end).toString('utf8')

   * @desc Returns the index of the end of the supplied buffer that does not include `\r\n`
   * @param {Buffer} buf    - The buffer to receive the correct end index for
   * @param {number} bufLen - The full length of the buffer
   * @return {number}
  static bufEndPosNoCRLF (buf, bufLen) {
    if (buf[bufLen - 2] === CRLF[0] && buf[bufLen - 1] === CRLF[1]) {
      return bufLen - 2
    return bufLen

   * @desc Parses the HTTP information of WARC request and response records
   * @param {Buffer[]} bufs - Buffers containing the HTTP header information
   * @param {boolean} req   - Should the buffers be parsed as request or response
   * @returns {RequestHTTP|ResponseHTTP}
  static parseHTTPPortion (bufs, req) {
    if (req) return ContentParser.parseReqHTTP(bufs)
    return ContentParser.parseResHTTP(bufs)

   * @desc Parse a WARC Records headers not HTTP Header parser
   * @param {Buffer[]} bufs - the WARC Records header lines
   * @return {Object}
  static parseWarcRecordHeader (bufs) {
    let rheader = {}
    let len = bufs.length
    let i = 0
    let currentBuffer
    let curLen
    let sepPos
    let headerKey
    let headerValue
    while (i < len) {
      currentBuffer = bufs[i]
      curLen = currentBuffer.length
      sepPos = currentBuffer.indexOf(ColonSpace)
      if (sepPos !== -1) {
        headerKey = ContentParser.utf8BufferSlice(currentBuffer, 0, sepPos)
        headerValue = ContentParser.utf8BufferSlice(
          sepPos + 2,
          ContentParser.bufEndPosNoCRLF(currentBuffer, curLen)
        rheader[headerKey] = headerValue
      } else {
        rheader['WARC'] = ContentParser.utf8BufferSlice(
          currentBuffer.indexOf(WARCVSlash) + 1,
          ContentParser.bufEndPosNoCRLF(currentBuffer, curLen)
    return rheader

   * @desc Parse a WARC Metadata records metadata content
   * @param {Buffer[]} bufs - the WARC Metadata records content lines
   * @return {Object}
  static parseWarcInfoMetaDataContent (bufs) {
    let content = {}
    let len = bufs.length
    let i = 0
    let sepPos
    let key
    let value
    let currentBuffer
    let curLen
    while (i < len) {
      currentBuffer = bufs[i]
      curLen = currentBuffer.length
      sepPos = currentBuffer.indexOf(ColonSpace)
      if (sepPos !== -1) {
        key = ContentParser.utf8BufferSlice(currentBuffer, 0, sepPos)
        value = ContentParser.utf8BufferSlice(
          sepPos + 2,
          ContentParser.bufEndPosNoCRLF(currentBuffer, curLen)
        if (key === 'outlink') {
          if (content.outlink == null) {
            content.outlink = []
        } else {
          content[key] = value
      } else {
        value = ContentParser.utf8BufferSlice(
          ContentParser.bufEndPosNoCRLF(currentBuffer, curLen)
        if (content.unkeyed == null) {
          content.unkeyed = []
    return content

   * @desc Parses the request HTTP headers
   * @param {Buffer[]} headerBuffs - the request HTTP headers
   * @return {RequestHTTP}
  static parseReqHTTP (headerBuffs) {
    const content = {
      requestLine: null,
      path: null,
      method: null,
      httpVersion: null,
      headers: null
    if (headerBuffs.length === 0) {
      return content
    let currentBuffer = headerBuffs[0]
    let curLen = currentBuffer.length
    let requestLine = ContentParser.utf8BufferSlice(
      ContentParser.bufEndPosNoCRLF(currentBuffer, curLen)
    content.requestLine = requestLine
    let spaceIDX = requestLine.indexOf(SPACE)
    content.method = requestLine.substring(0, spaceIDX)
    let lastIDX = spaceIDX + 1
    spaceIDX = requestLine.indexOf(SPACE, lastIDX)
    content.path = requestLine.substring(lastIDX, spaceIDX)
    content.httpVersion = requestLine.substring(spaceIDX + 1)
    content.headers = ContentParser._parseHeaders(headerBuffs)
    return content

   * @desc Parses the response HTTP headers
   * @param {Buffer[]} headerBuffs - the response HTTP headers
   * @return {ResponseHTTP}
  static parseResHTTP (headerBuffs) {
    const content = {
      statusLine: null,
      statusCode: null,
      statusReason: null,
      httpVersion: null,
      headers: null
    if (headerBuffs.length === 0) {
      return content
    let currentBuffer = headerBuffs[0]
    let curLen = currentBuffer.length
    let statusLine = ContentParser.utf8BufferSlice(
      ContentParser.bufEndPosNoCRLF(currentBuffer, curLen)
    content.statusLine = statusLine
    let spaceIDX = statusLine.indexOf(SPACE)
    content.httpVersion = statusLine.substring(0, spaceIDX)
    let lastIDX = spaceIDX + 1
    spaceIDX = statusLine.indexOf(SPACE, lastIDX)
    content.statusCode = statusLine.substring(lastIDX, spaceIDX)
    content.statusReason = statusLine.substring(spaceIDX + 1)
    content.headers = ContentParser._parseHeaders(headerBuffs)
    return content

   * @desc Parses an array of buffers containing HTTP headers
   * @param {Buffer[]} headerBuffs - The array of buffers representing HTTP headers
   * @return {Object}
   * @private
  static _parseHeaders (headerBuffs) {
    const headers = {}
    let len = headerBuffs.length
    let i = 1
    let key
    let lastKey = ''
    let sepPos
    let currentBuffer
    let curLen
    while (i < len) {
      currentBuffer = headerBuffs[i]
      curLen = currentBuffer.length
      sepPos = currentBuffer.indexOf(ColonSpace)
      if (sepPos !== -1) {
        key = ContentParser.utf8BufferSlice(currentBuffer, 0, sepPos)
        lastKey = key
        headers[key] = ContentParser.utf8BufferSlice(
          sepPos + 2,
          ContentParser.bufEndPosNoCRLF(currentBuffer, curLen)
      } else {
        headers[lastKey] = ContentParser.utf8BufferSlice(
          ContentParser.bufEndPosNoCRLF(currentBuffer, curLen)
    return headers

 * @type {ContentParser}
module.exports = ContentParser

 * @typedef {Object} RequestHTTP
 * @property {?string} requestLine - The HTTP request line
 * @property {?string} path - The path of the request
 * @property {?string} method - The HTTP method used
 * @property {?string} httpVersion - The HTTP version
 * @property {?Object} headers - The parsed headers

 * @typedef {Object} ResponseHTTP
 * @property {?string} statusLine - The HTTP response line
 * @property {?string} statusCode - The response code
 * @property {?string} statusReason - The status reason
 * @property {?string} httpVersion - The HTTP version
 * @property {?Object} headers - The parsed headers